Wormbath - 18 Song Demo When I was 15-16, I loved this demo. These guys were just fun as hell pop punk. They didn't care about being perfect or really fitting in with the bands they played with, but they were really fun.
hey viva, this is sean from the west chester board. just stopping by to show some love for putting this up. i have been dying to listen to this all day but didn't think i would, since i'm in california! very psyched you have this up. you don't have 'wrestler of the year', do you?
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hey viva, this is sean from the west chester board. just stopping by to show some love for putting this up. i have been dying to listen to this all day but didn't think i would, since i'm in california! very psyched you have this up. you don't have 'wrestler of the year', do you?