Friday, December 23, 2011

Top Records of 2011

1. Restorations - s/t - This was the soundtrack to my year. I'd love this record even if I didn't love these dudes.
2. Into It. Over It. - Proper - It's great to see Evan finally put together a proper LP.
3. Title Fight - Shed - This band has blown up and totally deserves it.
4. Touche Amore - Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me - I sort of wrote this band off, but when I finally got around to listening to it, this is an absolutely killer record. The only hardcore record I really cared about this year.
5. Balance & Composure - Separation - Huge guitars, and kind of a 90s alternative feel, but still poppy at times. I like each record more and more.
6. Spraynard - Funtitled - There was a stretch where I listened to this daily. Good positive poppy punk.
7. Man Overboard - s/t - So poppy it's almost a guilty pleasure. I love it. And Justin.
8. Bridge and Tunnel - Rebuilding Year - The heavy parts are heavier, and the pretty parts are prettier. Their LPs both have flawless opening tracks.
9. The Wonder Years - Suburbia... - Different than The Upsides, but still has everything I love about them.
10. Basement - I Wish I Could Stay Here - At times I forget about this record, but whenever I listen to it, it's stuck in my head for days and I can't stop listening.
11. Good Luck - Without Hesitation - I can't get enough of this band.

Dikembe - Chicago Bowls - My latest obsession.
Forming - EP - This would be great on a 90s college radio station.
Luther - Siblings and Sevens - Kinda like Hot Rod Circuit, but less polished.
Armalite - Humungous - They're back! Finally!
CSTVT - s/t - The only bad thing about this is that it's only two songs.

New Year's Resolution: Post more records in 2012. Stop being lazy with the blog. To start I'll be posting some old songs/records by the bands above (if this isn't their first release).