Bear Vs Shark - Terrorhawk Spastic, high energy post hardcore/indie rock. I've previously upped their first LP, but this second one seems to be held in higher regard. Both are great.
One Up - The Single This was the last record from this Philly area hardcore band. This was a nice departure from typical sxe hardcore to a more post-hardcore Burn feel, and even includes a Texas is the Reason cover. Sorry for m4a, but that's how they posted it digitally.
Breaking Pangaea - Live at WKDU One of my favorite local bands of all time. They were good recorded, but GREAT live, so it's cool to have a well recorded live set. It's got a mix of songs from their first EP and LP. Check it out
No Roses - Demo I upped the EP previously, and I hate to be that dude, but the demo really may be better. A little more raw and less GUTG influence. I do wish there'd been more from this band. Check it out
Halfway to Holland - Demo Pre-Algernon emo from the Philly suburbs. I have a "discography" from somewhere, but the tracks aren't labeled. I can up it if there's an interest. Check it out
Arms 0f Orion - The Book Was So Much Better Catchy, early 2000s style pop punk from these Philly by way of West Chester kids. This was supposed to come out on some label that ended up screwing them, so they just "leaked" it digitally. Check it out
Breaking Pangaea - Take Apart the Words By request. The first EP from one of my favorite local bands of all time. Beautiful, technical guitars and some of my favorite drumming on an indie rock record. I loved this band. Check it out
Emergency - Unfinished / Unplanned Evan from the Progress/IIOI, Jon from No Roses, and some others playing fairly technical, upbeat pop punk with an early 2000s emo feel. Not unlike the Progress. Check it out
Algernon Cadwallader - Live on WKDU Philly's heroes of noodly, twinkly, off-key, Kinsella inspired emo. While I like their records, seeing them live is even better, and this radio set does a good job of capturing this. Check it out
Paint it Black - CVA By request. At this point, you probably have made up your mind on PIB, but if not, here is the first LP. In my opinion, they've only gotten better with each release, but a lot of people prefer the stripped down anger of the first one. Diff'rent strokes I suppose. Check it out
Chuck Ragan - The Blueprint Sessions You know the deal with Chuck. This is a collection of his No Idea 7"s from 2006-07. These are a lot of early versions of songs that later made their way onto other releases. There are some great songs on here, as well as a Leatherface cover!
For Science - Way Out of Control Don Giovanni pop punk from the NY/North Jersey scene, so you pretty much know what to expect. The full length was fantastic, so I'll probably upload that at some point soon. Check it out
Off Minor - Some Blood Aggressive, angular post hardcore/emo/punk or whatever you want to call it. These dudes toured alllll over the place. Members of Amatuer Party and others. Check it out
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